Lovely Quote

Each person have their own favourite quote that make their life become strength.  Same goes with me, for me quotes can make my life become happy and also have my own strength if i want to face the world in the future. Now, i will share with all of you, some quotes that are very interesting and valuable in my life.

Specially dedicated to all my friends.. May ALLAH bless all of you...

Indahnya menjadi seorang muslimah yang sejati....

Kata-kata Pujangga...

Nikmatilah hidup selagi bernyawa...

Kata-kata semangat

Sahabat sejati harus di cari....

Life must go on!

Semoga ALLAH kuatkan iman kita semua...

Setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya...

Berkorbanlah untuk kegembiraan orang lain...